

Yes, well it's on of those days..

I hate those days where you just can't seem to do anything. You stayed up until four last night working on your science, so you woke up late and fell asleep during math. (The class with the teacher, no one really understands. They all just nod there heads awkwardly. That's always one of my favorites.) I also,-staying on the school topic-hate substitute teachers that are JUST like your original. Except, maybe just a bit worse. Teachers say their job is so hard, well they are wrong. Sure, they have to grade all the papers. Well, students have to do the assignments.  Math teachers have their work already done in the textbooks, so they do NOTHING. It bothers me just a little. Other things that bother me:
-When someone doesn't apologize
-People who say "Your Mom."
-N00BZ. & TxT TlKeRs. it's like, ugh. Going on.
-Losing. ......
-When a guy who talks to me constantly on the phone, ignores me at school.
-boring teachers.